Faux Brick Veneer Wall


Thin Brick, Faux Brick, Half Brick, whatever they call it in your neck of the woods, brick veneer installed on a interior wall it can look like a million bucks. This post is a step by step guide on how

The Time I Left My Uterus At The Thrift Store


Hey guys!! I have a story to tell you, but you have to promise that you wont get all judgy. Deal? Every once in a while you find something while thrifting or Craigslisting that slips through your fingers, and no

The Hoard Sale 2013


Holy Crapballs. You guys, the Hoard Sale last Saturday was a HUGE success. I am shocked and beyond humbled at how many of you came (and how far some of you travelled!)  It was so fun seeing old friends and

Tufted Picture Frame Headboard DIY


One of my favorite projects in Dylan’s Bedroom is her headboard. The original plan was to use the head and footboard that we were using before (because its fantastic). The problem was, that against the hexagon wall it made your

The Time Our Kitchen Almost Killed Us


  So here’s the thing about describing your remodel after major parts of it have already transpired — as we’ve been working we didn’t exactly take photos to show how painful each step was so we could document it for folks later on.

Let’s Just Have A Life Update About It


Helloooooo! Man you guys, I feel like I’ve fallen off the face of the freaking planet!  We are in full on baby mode over here and it is jazz hands exciting!  Due date is Mid Jan, but both of the