The Time I Left My Uterus At The Thrift Store

By Mandi 06/06/2014

Hey guys!! I have a story to tell you, but you have to promise that you wont get all judgy. Deal?

Every once in a while you find something while thrifting or Craigslisting that slips through your fingers, and no matter how badly you try, you just cant get over it. I haven’t had something like this happen since the couch,  but I think I am through the grief cycle and can finally talk about it.

I was heading to pick up some stuff from a store on the other side of town for the Hoard Sale. As I was pulling out of my driveway, I had a nagging feeling to stop at the DI (the main thrift store in St. George that owns my heart and 25% of my life). I was like “Nagging Feeling (proper noun because it is a real thing),  I’ll stop on the way back. I have to get to this store before they close.” The nagging feeling was all “Hmph,  fine then. I guess you don’t trust me. You will regret this for the rest of your life.” and then it disappeared. In my defense, usually the nagging feeling that comes when I pull out of my driveway is telling me to go and get a Swig sugar cookie. I am used to telling it shush.

Like planned, I picked up my goods and stopped at the DI on the way home. I walked in, feeling pretty great about the way things were going. I had had a shower that day, the store was air conditioned,  I was going to go and get a snow cone after. Just down right content,  ya know? I dropped my phone in my bag and looked up.

Have you ever witnessed something that makes you feel like your uterus has fallen out? Just right there on the ground? Welp that’s what happened.

There in front of me was an adorable lady with her two teenage daughters waiting in the check out line.

Do you know what they had in their cart? (Of course you don’t because I haven’t been able to speak of it until today.)

In her cart was a perfect condition vintage hanging rattan chair. Super similar to this one my girls at A Beautiful Mess have:

Hanging Wicker Chair

The nice air conditioning that I had just praised, all of a sudden felt mighty cold as all of the blood was draining from my body.

Gulp. Think Mandi, THINK.

I couldn’t run up to her and beg for a chance to buy it. I couldn’t drop to my knees and wail in horror,  all I could do was mentally pick my uterus back up and calmly walk past them….

…into the nearest clothing rack. (By into I mean intentionally, not like I ran into it. But I can see how one might think, that because of my current mental state we actually collided.)

I had to watch. Because I just wasn’t ready to say hello and goodbye that quickly.

The problem? The line was sort of long and in order for it to not get reeeeally uncomfortable I had to pretend that I cared about the men’s xxxl button up Bermuda shirts that I found myself in.

I just couldn’t stop staring. So I blindly moved, while I stared. Sometimes closer, sometimes further but I was not taking my eyes off that thing for a second. Our love story and what could have been flashed before my eyes. It would have been so perfect in Ivie’s room, with a cute pillow and serape blanket tucked in.

Phew. Keep it together girl.

Finally it was the cute lady’s turn to check out. By this time I had not so casually meandered over to the children’s clothes and was in earshot of the entire transaction.

I mean, I don’t know what I expected to have happen? That she would turn around and say “You haven’t blinked for the last 6 minutes, that is quite the feat. Here let me give you this chair to buy as a reward.”?! But.I.couldn’t.leave.

She paid for the chair, and my world darkened. I felt like Maleficent when she discovered that her wings had been cut off. (Pssst. such a good movie!)  But alas, it was just not meant to be. I hope her daughters love that chair the way we would have loved it. Fully. Completely. Eternally.

I found out later that the chair had been at the store for 3 hours and it was marked at $20. *#$(&#.

Nagging voice 1  Mandi 0.

Love Your Guts

54 thoughts on “The Time I Left My Uterus At The Thrift Store”

  1. My uterus fell out just reading your story!!!!! Watching that chair walk out the door had to be horrifying! I hope you find another one VERY soon. xx

  2. This post is both hilarious and sad. I know that feeling you are talking about and the sleep you lose over it. Then you get so fixated on the what-ifs, you can’t think of anything else….or at least that’s what happens to me in situations like this. So, I do feel horrible that you didn’t get that rattan chair (amazing by the way!). The way you describe your experience is the comic relief in it all, so thanks for the laugh! My husband always reminds me, it’s just “things” and I shouldn’t get myself so worked up over such trivial stuff. His advice never helps by the way, but I’m trying REALLY hard to take it into consideration….I hope you meet up with another rattan chair in the future. Maybe the thrifting gods will take pitty and send one your way 😉


    1. curious have you noticed that it is only things has a way of not being applicable in their instances ??
      one observation – there really is always a reason that shows up so much better. at the time it is only a consolation to think about but reveals itself later on.

  3. That have me anxiety just reading that. Worst feeling ever. Now I have to go to my DI to make sure I’m my missing out on anything life changing.

  4. Oh, I can so relate.. but mine was a craiglist find that the seller actually tortured me with.. having me come see it when it was already sold.. but she didn’t tell me that and used me as a “backup”.. told me she would think about who she wanted to sell it to.. #(#(#$

    Then calls me a week later and says her buyer may have flaked and would I want it for a lower price… to which I texted back IMMEDIATELY “yes”… to which she texted me an hour later, “nevermind, she buyer was coming to get it”

    Seriously, she TORTURED me. and. I’m. so. not. over. it.

  5. The whole time I was reading this I was thinking, “MANDI JUST GO TALK TO HER!” Then I thought there was no way you would let her leave with it, but you did! Wah! You should of followed her outside and offered to pay her double. I’ve done it, it didn’t work but I feel better knowing I tried! So sad for you and the chair that is missing out!

  6. I feel your pain! I missed out on a $50 Folke Ohlsson rocker and ottoman on Craig’s List by 1 hour!!!! I’m still mourning…

  7. I was on Kijiji and I found a set of six Milo Baughman dining chairs for $12 each. I loved them but I had no idea what they were and didn’t have the storage space. I let them pass and have regretted them ever since. Legendary chairs. I suspect they weren’t knock off’s because they were being sold in the ritzy part of town. Probably downsizing from a death in the family and didn’t know or care how much they were worth. This is a very similar set, but chrome, not brass. Can you believe they’re almost $8000.00? *headdesk*

  8. So sorry for your loss! But it does remind me that we have a similar chair at the family lake house sitting in a closet for half of the year (we bring it outside in the summer). I need to bring that sucker home and use it year round!

  9. Totally and completely know what you mean! Although lately our thrift stores have been absolutely bereft of amazingness I feel like…probably means I need to go more but I get discouraged when I haven’t found anything great for a while:) sorry about the chair, hopefully another will come your way

  10. I am completely empathetic; only mine was Holy Grail of all mirrors at Home Goods over three years ago. It had wood detailing on the frame in a geometric bohemian patterns that was worn perfectly. It could have worked anywhere – leaning against the wall in the bedroom, hanging in the foyer with a table in front and cool trays, heaven… It was that great -Oh and only $59 for a large 72″ H with a wide frame (Home Goods is amazing!). It wouldn’t fit in my car so I let it pass by. If you find a way to get over the regret, you’ll have to share who in a blog post for those of us who have gone through the same thing 🙂 Have a good weekend!

  11. Pretty funny. That happens to me A LOT. I search for it later on ebay and see it at 10x the cost. But sometimes, years later, a similar item pops into my radar and I know to SNATCH it there and then. Another rattan swinging chair will pop up. Promise.

  12. I totally feel like you were just talking to me when you posted this! Last week I was pulling into my local thrift store and saw a someone putting the most awesome pieces of furniture into his car. I could only imagine the tricks that I could turn with these pieces. Even more of a surprise (being the stalker that I am) realized that he lives a street over from me….GASP!!! I know exactly how you feel….uteras and all. 🙂

  13. The same thing happened to me with a mirror a few yrs ago. I will never forget it. I almost barfed in the parking lot LOL. I feel your pain amd am so sorry. Loved the commentary though!!

  14. Twenty dollars? Oh my gosh, that makes my uterus fall out! I want one of those SO bad for Stella’s room, but at $400 and up, it hasn’t happened. Twenty dollars?

  15. Dude. Do not ever ignore that inner voice again. I’ve been in this situation myself and it really is one of the worst feelings in the world. The most recent was a Le Crueset type cast iron pot that I didn’t buy for $15. Oh and did I mention it was aqua? What the heck is wrong with us sometimes?!

  16. Hey, spoiler alert maybe! Did her wings actually get cut off? Don’t clarify this for me, I have yet to see Ms Jolie in all of her evil splendor. This is going to be just like when I went to see Gravity, and was expecting a space sex scene because someone said (probably sarcastically in my defense) that there would be one.

  17. That happens to me once in a while too but I think of it this way: I need to let other people have their moment of thrifting glory because I know how great that feels. And then I figure something bigger is waiting for me to find it!

  18. I seriously just got teary eyed for you. I have been looking for the same thing but for my porch and may I add just for me and the girls to sit on – NO hefty fellas.

  19. Ugh! Worst feeling ever! That happened to me today. I found a gorgeous French Provincial dresser for $30 on Craigslist that I desperately wanted to refinish for my daughter’s room. But my hubby has a rule that I shouldn’t go alone (which I can agree with), and he dragged his feet forever yesterday for us to pick it up and I’d be doggone if it wasn’t already sold today when he finally made time to go get it. So now I’m sobbing over pretty French dressers on Pinterest…okay not really but internally, a little bit. My uterus aches for both of us.

  20. Not to make this worse but I totally scored something similar at the di the day of your hoard sale. I will be hanging mine in my tree as a reading nook!

  21. Seriously, St George has a magical DI that has had 2 hanging rattan chairs? I am so sorry for your loss. I’ve experienced that feeling before and I don’t wish it on my worst enemy. $20 was like giving it away 🙁 I would have had to watch too, secretly hoping the sale would fall through and I could swoop in.

  22. I’ve had a similar experience went I went to my local thrift shop and I saw a secretary desk. I kept on walking by it, looked through it about 75 times, didn’t want to walk away for it from a second because I had to let it be known the the other patrons that this was “mine”!! I yelled across the store for my husband to come check it out. He said it was nice, and insisted we sleep on it, he was sure it will be here another day. Grrrrrrr, well what does he know!! After much persuasion, he said let’s go get it (the next day :/ ). And of course, the 25.00 desk was already being loved by another! I was distraught, and yes at that moment I felt my uterus plop to the ground. So yes, I could completely relate to the devastation. However, about a year later I found and even better find on craigslist, a pristine claw foot desk, with a lift-up center compartment which transforms into a vanity. Paid quite a bit more $$, but I couldn’t be happier. 🙂

  23. If you wanna drive to Michigan, I have one for you. I found it on the curb — ON THE CURB — on the way home from picking my son up from school. I just can’t find anywhere to hang it.

  24. Oh how I know your pain. That happened to me in Home Goods. Lamp. Yes, lamp. THE LAMP. I should’ve bought the d— thing on first impulse instead of ‘thinking it through’. You guessed it. Went back . LAMP GONE.

    Then, to add insult to injury, I missed out on THE PERFECT DESK for $42.00 at Goodwill. No way to get it home. I made arrangement within two hours, went back – you guessed it- GONE!!! That one made me cry. Really. I had only been looking for five months after all.

  25. Happens to me all the time at Goodwill….I head in there with my kids, look around, find something, second guess myself, leave it there, and regret it until I go back the next day to get it and its gone! The last time this happened, 2 weeks ago, I vowed that I will NEVER let it happen it! So far so good!

  26. I’m glad I’m not the only one who goes through that. Somehow feels better to know there are fellow uterus droppers out there.

  27. This may be my favorite post ever. I was laughing, while also feeling your pain. My husband just doesn’t understand the nagging feeling… And the shear disappointment of the loss!

  28. oooohhh… sorry……. that happened to me once in the SLC avenues, I saw a pine table in a garage and waited until the start time for the garage sale, mean while some guy walks up, pulls out the table makes an offer and she said YES…lesson learned…… have never gone on time again….always go an hour early….OOOR….when your mind says GO NOW….i listen. 🙁

    btw….i get home from work at 2pm….i live about 8 blocks from the industrial site you may use for your sistas wedding, if you need help….would love to help you for free to see how you do what you do…i used to be know as the “martha stewart” of richfield til i moved here. cha chang cindy sewsew!

  29. I’m so sad for you!!!!!! I felt this way about a mirror in Marshall’s, never got over it and never will 🙁

  30. I’ve been thrifting for decades – long before it was cool. I feel your pain, and I relate to regularly haunting your fav thrift store. It’s kind of bad when they recognize you. All I can say is, you win some you lose some. I’ve made several big $$$ finds for very little money, but I’ve also hesitated, procrastinated, and didn’t follow my gut. My punishment was watching a treasure happily being carted off while I melted into the floor.

  31. In those moments I wish I hadn’t seen what I am now missing out on!!! It sucks… boo. Maybe the teenage girls will love and appreciate the chair more than you? Doubtful but maybe??!!?!?

  32. These stories seem to be somewhat common. Okay so you worry that you will be judged? You shouldn’t. This entire story and the one that I could share with you is the exact female version of:
    Man #1: It was about 3 months ago. I was out at Skippy Rock Lake and I had a fish on my line. I could see it. It was at least an18 pound carp and then SNAP it was gone!
    Man #2: Once when I was out at Boring Lake I came this close to getting a ……………..( you can fill in the rest).

  33. This is what I like about the internet; there are other people exactly like me! I have to quiet the siren song or my house would be even more full of treasures than it is! Now that tagging season is here, the voice is very, very loud. The reason the song is so enticing is we never know what might be out there, like discovering a new planet or country. It’s an addiction, I tell you, but others have the bug too, so I don’t feel as weird.

  34. Oh, you poor thing! Isn’t that the worst ever? And I hate how sometimes I buy things because I’m afraid I’ll regret not getting them, but then sometimes after I buy them, I think, “well that was kind of silly.” Apparently I need you to franchise the Hoard Sale and I’ll take the midwest region, please.

  35. Okay, but on the bright side, think of all of the times that your heart has been lifted up into the fluffy clouds when you have found the most amazingly perfect find. And it’s yours, all yours. I always half expect to be tackled from a person almost as crazy as me when I find the amazingly perfect find. At Goodwill I once found a velvet vintage baby pea coat, peacock blue colored with cream trim and a matching bonnet. It took my breath away, literally…then I looked at the tag and it said 2.99…I thought that it had to be a rotten, cruel joke. But no, it was mine, ALL mine. I would not even place it in the cart for fear that someone would snatch it and run. I am so delighted to find another Thrift Crazy human 🙂 Love your work!

  36. How I feel your pain. In our local thrift shop one day a couple years ago, I spotted a hand quilted, hand made quilt in a lady’s basket. I am somewhat ashamed to say I followed her from a distance, hoping she’d change her mind and I would sweep in. No. Well, we ended up at the cash together and I said to her, “What a beautiful quilt!” She said, “It is, but I’m just getting it for my dog.” If I had had a uterus, I am sure it would have fallen out, too! Hahahaha.

    I still think about that danged quilt…..

  37. Sad! Ok. I have a hanging hammock-ish chair and I have to ask…how would you hang a chair like that so it doesn’t pull through the joists in the ceiling? (wanting to hang it in my daughter’s basement room. I feel heart sick for you! So sorry.


  38. I’m very sorry for your loss. That is one lucky lady! It’s like – if only you had gotten there earlier – OR… gotten their approximately 32 minutes later [and never known] – you wouldn’t be feeling this pain. Can’t win ’em all, I guess. Or maybe – you could work out an apartment rental deal with the thrift store & pay someone’s rent to live there and shop for you in return! Seems like a reasonable solution to me?! 🙂

  39. I have had that experience at D.I. as well, internally wailing while watching people checking out with the loveliest things! But my saddest was actually at your Hoard Sale! There was the cutest little side table that I LOOOVVEED. It had no tag on it (which should have made me suspicious), but since you had run out of tags, I didn’t think much of it. I came and asked you the price and was thrilled with the $20 amount. I should have just paid for it right. then. and there. and taken it to my truck! But no, I continued to walk around and ten minutes later a girl came up to me with THE WHOLE TAG that she had taken off the piece, instead of just the perforated bottom. I wanted to cry, then yell, “Rule breaker!” and run away. But of course I couldn’t. And by then, everything else I might have wanted was already spoken for! Heartbreak.

  40. i kept waiting for a Happy Ending.
    how sad!
    if only the world were a wish granting factory.

  41. My mom owned an art gallery when I was a kid.
    At 16, she had a show of sculpture by (the last name) Chong. There was a piece that was about 1.5″ tall, abstract porcelain, of a figure holding a child in the air.
    To this very minute (I’m 55) I wish I had that. At 16, there was no possibility I could have afforded it myself. A friend of hers bought it, and I know they lost touch before my mom died.
    I, however, know where she is. She has only two boys (1 big oaf and a good guy) who could probably care less.
    I’m trying to figure out how, with any type of grace at all, I could contact her and offer to buy it.
    Let this be a lesson. FORTY years later, I’m still thinking of that incredible sculpture.
    Buy it. You can always sell or give it away if it doesn’t actually keep talking to you.

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