Free Crap? Sign me up!

By Mandi 12/13/2010

Oh crap my kid just woke up. This is going to be short and sweet.

So you all know about the DIY club right? Not everyone? Heres the dealio. The DIY club is like the best blog contest ever. Every month they give away $1,500 in products to the winner of the monthly contest party. This months party closes in 3 days. (Sorry for the heads up)  You can click here for more deets. Ps as of today there are only 27 entries! Get your prize winning butts over there!!

DIY Club

They are also having a spray paint party hosted by Krylon. Link up any project that you have used spray paint on (it doesnt have to be Krylon brand) and you can win a 6 pack from Krylon….which let me tell you is the best spray paint ever. (No I am not getting paid to say that,  look back to my first post where I was professing my love and I had all of 3 followers)  Click here to link up and get more info!!

Also I got on ther proverbial DIY cruise ship today so you can see what it would be like hanging with me and what my biggest pet peeve is so {Click Here}

Aaannnnd, Dont you hate it when its 9:30 in the morning and you just remembered you were going to start a diet today….but you’ve already eaten 3 christmas cookies? Sonofa…..

3 thoughts on “Free Crap? Sign me up!”

  1. Only 3? I swear I am going to buy 6 pairs of “buffet pants” for work…people, quit bringing in the baking! For the love of Mike! Caught you on the DIY cruise ship….cute!

  2. Don’t you know dieting is out? You can’t even go there until after New Years…that’s what resolutions are for, duh.

    I’m only saying that because I was going to do the same thing but then I started the day off with a honkin’ cup o hot chocolate for b-fast. Nice.

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